#3 Session of MasterClass — Introduction to Golang Interfaces and Dependency Inversion Principle

Leonor Pinto
OLX Engineering
Published in
1 min readSep 15, 2021


Dependency Inversion is the idea that high-level logic should not depend on its low-level implementations. In Go, interfaces enable us to use dependency inversion.

Filipe, a Backend Engineer working in Motors Team, will explain the concepts about Go Interfaces and how they relate to the Dependency Inversion Principle (one of the SOLID principles). He’ll also show some code examples where the use of Interfaces and the Dependency Inversion Principle help making the unit test easier and how it makes the code more modular and decoupled.

This MasterClass it’s aimed at people that are starting learning about Go, or that want to make the link between interfaces and the Dependency Inversion Principle.

Filipe started his journey at OLX as an intern last year — read more of his experience here!

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