Webpack From Zero to Hero

Chapter 1: Getting Started with the Basics

Rubens Pinheiro Gonçalves Cavalcante
OLX Engineering


Nothing — Picture under the Creative Commons License (source: Flickr)

This article is part of the Webpack from Zero to Hero series, for more background or for the index you can check the “Chapter 0: History”.

Next - Chapter 2: Tidying Up Webpack.

Disclaimer: During this series I’ll be running Yarn, but if you like NPM better it is totally fine too 😄.


In this article we’re going to start from an empty directory and proceed to build an application with dependencies, producing a simple bundle using Webpack with just a few lines of setup!

Starting a project

Open the terminal, create your project directory (or clone a empty repository) and create a new package:

yarn init -y

This will create your npm environment. Then create a simple file with some JS inside of it on src/index.js:

Install the dependencies

To install Webpack runtime and client we’ll need to do:

yarn add webpack webpack-cli --dev

Run the build

Now you’re ready to go. Just run:

yarn webpack

If you’re running with npm > v5 you can use npx webpack.

And the result will be something like this:

This is what you will probably see in the console

Note that webpack will warn you about not providing the mode and it’s therefore assuming “production”, later we’ll understand what this means.

Now we can see the output at dist/main.js, and this is the bundle! 😎

😡 — “Hold your horses partner! I don’t have a clue what’s happening here!”

Wait a minute, let me explain.

Convention Over Configuration

Following Bundlers like Parcel, Webpack 4 is now designed with this in mind.

You see that we’re able to run without any configuration file, and you probably have noticed that it assumed two things:

- The entry file being src/index.js

- The output being dist/main.js

And more, when it warned about the “The ‘mode’ option has not been set”, it’s because it assumes a different set of options when you’re bundling for production and development modes.

Running With Different Modes

Let’s see what happens when we run with different modes.

Open the dist/main.js file when Webpack assumed “production” mode. Now run:

yarn webpack --mode development

And check dist/main.js again. You’ll see the non-uglified unoptimized version of the bundle.

At the start you can see the webpack runtime code, the one responsible for the module resolutions (imports/exports), and then your wrapped code:

In development mode Webpack wraps the modules on eval calls

Module resolution in action

Now move the “hello()” function to another file: hello.js:

And import it in index:

Now run the dev build again and check the result on the bundle dist/main.js.

Setting up NPM Scripts

To make our life simple, let’s move these build commands to the package.json file. Add this section to it:

Now we’re able to run the build with just:

yarn build


yarn build:dev

If you’re using NPM you need to do npm run [script-name].


😠 — “When I checked the bundle, all ES6 code was still there! It’s not transpiling!”

Now is my time to say hold your 🐴 🐴, because as I explained in Chapter 0: History, Webpack acts only as a bundler. Its work consists only of module resolution and piping these modules through consumers through loaders.

The one responsible to transpile from ES6/ES7 (or ES2015+ if you prefer) to ES5 is BabelJS:

This is the solution 🔥

In this chapter we started from an empty directory and created a project with NPM dependencies and scripts already running webpack builds with just a few steps. But it is still a raw setup and we have to support more browsers than just the latest ES2015+ supporting ones. But let’s see how to do it properly in the next chapter. See you there!

